FAQs about investing in Swiss property

Sample  investment cash flow

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Sample investment
Cash Investment SFR 1,000,000
+ Mortgage SFR 1,000,000
= Building price SFR 2,000,000
Mean interest rate paid on the mortgage = 4.5%
Amortization of SFR 10,000 a year on the mortgage
In this example, a foreigner buys a  building  for SFR 2,000,000, financed with SFR1,000,000 in cash and a SFR1,000,000 mortgage with a mean annual interest rate of 4.5%, plus 1% amortization (SFR10,000 a year). The building is kept for 20 years and then resold at a profit.

We see that every year the building's rents cover all expenses, i.e. fees, interest, amortization, and taxes, leaving a profit on the cash investment of at least 5% after tax.

Exact cash flows will vary from one building to another; this table serves as an example only. Numbers in parenthesis are negatives.


Cash flow projection over total investment life


Rents + Subsidy = Total Rental Income - (Charges) - (Interests) - (Amortization) - (Taxes) + Investment = Net Cash Flow Net Cash Yield


81,000 + 54,000 = 135,000 -


- (45,000) - (10,000) - 0 + (1,000,000) = (947,000) NA


81,000 + 54,000 = 135,000 -


- (44,450) - (10,000) - 0 + 0 = 53,450 5.3%


81,000 + 54,000 = 135,000 -


- (44,100) - (10,000) - 0 + 0 = 53,900 5.4%


81,000 + 54,000 = 135,000 -


- (43,650) - (10,000) - 0 + 0 = 54,350 5.4%


87,000 + 48,000 = 135,000 -


- (43,200) - (10,000) - 0 + 0 = 54,800 5.5%


87,000 + 48,000 = 135,000 -


- (42,750) - (10,000) - (2,000) + 0 = 53,200 5.3%


93,000 + 42,000 = 135,000 -


- (42,300) - (10,000) - (2,000) + 0 = 53,600 5.4%


93,000 + 42,000 = 135,000 -


- (41,850) - (10,000) - (2,000) + 0 = 54,000 5.4%


99,000 + 36,000 = 135,000 -


- (41,400) - (10,000) - (2,000) + 0 = 54,500 5.4%


99,000 + 36,000 = 135,000 -


- (40,950) - (10,000) - (2,000) + 0 = 55,000 5.5%


105,000 + 30,000 = 135,000 -


- (40,500) - (10,000) - (4,000) + 0 = 53,200 5.3%


105,000 + 30,000 = 135,000 -


- (40,050) - (10,000) - (4,000) + 0 = 53,600 5.4%


111,000 + 24,000 = 135,000 -


- (39,600) - (10,000) - (4,000) + 0 = 54,000 5.4%


111,000 + 24,000 = 135,000 -


- (39,150) - (10,000) - (4,000) + 0 = 54,400 5.4%


117,000 + 18,000 = 135,000 -


- (38,700) - (10,000) - (4,000) + 0 = 54,800 5.5%


117,000 + 18,000 = 135,000 -


- (38,250) - (10,000) - (6,000) + 0 = 53,000 5.3%


123,000 + 12,000 = 135,000 -


- (37,800) - (10,000) - (6,000) + 0 = 53,500 5.3%


123,000 + 12,000 = 135,000 -


- (37,350) - (10,000) - (6,000) + 0 = 54,000 5.4%


129,000 + 6,000 = 135,000 -


- (36,900) - (10,000) - (6,000) + 0 = 54,000 5.4%


135,000 + 0 = 135,000 -


- (36,450) - (10,000) - (6,000) + 0 = 54,500 5.5%


170,000 + 0 = 170,000 -


- (36,000) - (10,000) - (239,000) + 2,040,000 = 1,893,000 NA

Rents paid by the tenants (column 2) are raised every two years, but the Subsidy you receive from the Government decreases by the same amount, so that Rental Income stays the same. At the end of the 20-year period (or sometimes, after only 10 years ), you can raise the rents up to the market level, which usually represents an increase of 30-40%. Thus annual rents jump from SFR135,000 to SFR170,000 during in the 21st year.

The Government will grant you a significant tax break for the 20-year period, but this will decrease by 25% every five years. So beginning Year 5, you will pay 25% of normal taxes, then 50%, 75%, etc.

At the end of the 20-year period, you can resell the building for about SFR2,833,000. With this, you pay off the remaining mortgage of SFR790,000, giving you SFR2,043,000 profit on which you will pay a small amount of capital gains tax. This will leave you with about SFR1,893,000 in cash, for an initial investment of SFR1,000,000. And don't forget the annual cash yield of about 5% that you will have enjoyed during that 20-year period!


© Micheloud & Cie 1999

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