Real estate investments in Switzerland


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For a long time, you were forbidden to buy real estate in Switzerland unless you were a Swiss citizen. For many foreign investors this was regrettable, because Swiss real estate is a very attractive and secure long-term investment.

Now the Swiss Government has changed the laws, and at last foreigners are allowed to invest in Swiss real estate when it is for the public good. Now you can buy new, low-rental apartment buildings, obtain a government subsidy and a tax break for 20 years, and make an annual cash yield of 5%. Mortgages are available, but the minimum cash investment should be around SFR 500,000. If you wish to make an investment in Swiss real estate anonymously, you can easily do so by setting up an incorporated company expressly for this purpose.

As real estate investors ourselves, we can locate the best deals available and help you through the paperwork, negotiations and management of the property.

You can expect an after-tax cash yield of about 5% with a substantial capital gain at the end of the holding period. Your principal will be very secure and you will receive a stable and steady annual income.

This is a long-term investment; your commitment will be for 10 to 20 years depending on the building you purchase, which makes it a quite different prospect from purchasing other assets such as bonds or stock.

We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions about investing in Swiss property. Please take a look at it and if you have any further questions, you can always contact us for more information.


© Micheloud & Cie 1999

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