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Switzerland is one of the world's most attractive locations for creating and developing a business, providing a liberal and extremely competitive environment. Proof of this is the fact that Switzerland always scores high when countries are ranked according to their economic appeal. Here are the main reasons why. Location, communications and infrastructures | | | | Switzerland is located at the heart of Europe. It is a vital communications hub for industrial Europe with a modern and extremely reliable infrastructure. Switzerland is one of the front runners in terms of new technology and, despite everything, the realty prices remain relatively competitive. |
| A very buoyant and competitive economic environment | | | | Overall, the Swiss economy is highly successful, providing your business with an extremely stimulating growth environment. Switzerland's economy is very open onto the world, giving the country valued experience in international business transactions. Your business will also benefit from one of the most effective banking systems, founded on a strong currency and relatively low interest rates. |
| Labor | | | | By setting up business in Switzerland, you'll find a labor market featuring the following advantages: |
| Outstanding training system | | | | The Swiss economy specializes in products with high added value. Swiss know-how is handed down to new generations by renowned specialists working within an impressive education system. |
No strikes and reasonable laws | |  | | The Swiss have made work their religion. The love for quality
work is at the source of the Swiss made label. Similarly,
the labor unions are cooperative and strikes are practically
nonexistent. |