All about Swiss punctuality Home > Business Guide > Table of Contents > Time > Punctuality
The Swiss have a reputation for being as punctual
and precise as their best watches. The rule is: Avant l’heure, c’est pas l’heure, après l’heure, c’est plus l’heure (Before the hour is not yet the hour, after the
hour is no longer the hour), with the only exception
being the Quart d’heure Vaudois where, in the canton
of Vaud, people generally arrive fifteen minutes
late for an appointment. It is their way of thumbing
their nose at the national on-the-dot-timing.
But secretly the Swiss are very proud of their
punctuality. This precision is the expression of
something stronger and more profound: their
national feeling towards social and political order. Une place pour chaque chose, et chaque chose à sa place could be the motto of this Confederation. (A place
for everything and everything at its place.) A linguistic
particularity, typically Swiss, is the translation
of “OK” into German as alles ist in Ordnung (everything is in order) or to translate “tip-top” into
French as propre en ordre (clean and in order). Even
some administrative forms have an en ordre box to
check as opposed to a simple “yes” box.
It can happen, although very rarely, if you have
a meeting concerning a job, a contract, some advice
or some support with a person in a powerful position,
that this person arrives late on purpose to
demonstrate their power. In such a case, you will
wait, and wait, and wait until the person arrives in
a whirlwind, hardly taking the time to apologize
and, without spelling it out, makes it clear that he,
being the very important person that he is, has just
come out of a meeting and grumbles that he only
has a couple minutes to listen to you.
As for you, always try to be punctual. The
Swiss should feel obliged to be as punctual as a foreigner
as a matter of honor. It would be seen as
very impolite to arrive late intentionally. |