FAQs about investing in Swiss property

1. Swiss Laws

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Yes,  the so-called Lex Friedrich forbids foreigners without residential permits to buy any real estate in Switzerland. However, cantons (states) can give authorization for foreigners to buy some properties such as the apartment buildings we will discuss on this page.
Note that we are discussing the purchase of entire buildings; if you want just a vacation apartment, please click here


Foreigners can  invest in HLM buildings in some cantons. These are new apartment buildings with below-market rentals. You will be exempted from local taxes for a period of up to 20 years after which you will be allowed to raise the rents.


You cannot buy with money you have gained from criminal activity and you can buy only buildings that are authorized for sale to foreigners. The act of purchasing must be made before an official public notary who will check everything to see if it is legal.


Some people ask a Swiss to buy real estate on their behalf with money they lend him. This is illegal and the whole operation is void before Swiss law. If the scheme is discovered, the purchase is automatically cancelled and your Swiss accomplice will go to jail. This leaves you with the choice of either coming to Switzerland and pleading guilty to fraud or writing off your building.  We will not consider being involved in this kind of operation.




© Micheloud & Cie 1999

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