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Главное меню > Знаменитости в Швейцарии > По категориям > Category > Политик

Список знаменитостей, относящихся к категории Политик.

Jean-Jacques de Sellon (1782-1839) France
This philanthropic Genevan, hard-line supporter of the abolition of the death penalty, was born of a family originating from Nimes, who sought refug

Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) France
Leon Gambetta was one of the founders of the French Third Republic. An eloquent lawyer, he became known for defending opponents of Napoleon II

Giovanni Gambini (1761-1842) Italy
A Sicilian Rousseauist who came to Geneva in search of freedom, as much religious as political. Gambini, together with Sismondi and Pellegrino Ro

Edmund Ludlow (1617-1693) Великобритания
Этот английский политик получил в Швейцарии политическое убежище.

Thomas Mazaryk (1850-1937) Slovakia
Of Slovakian origin, Thomas Masaryk studied in Vienna. Named professor of Prague University, he was then elected member of the Reichstat (parliamen

Ignacy Moscicki (-1946) Poland
Ex head of state of Poland.

Javier Perez de Cuellar (1920-) Перу
Бывший Генеральный секретарь ООН все еще живет в Женеве

Edgar Quinet (1803-1875) Франция
Французский политик, историк и философ жил в Швейцарии как беженец с 1851 по 1875 г.

Pellegrino Rossi (1787-1848) Italy
Born in Carrarc, Italy in 1787, he became a supporter of liberal ideas in Italy until he fled the Austrian control in 1805. In Geneva he became pr

Antonio Samaranch (1920-) Spain
The former Franco ambassador has been elected president of the International Olympic Comittee in 1980. Born in Barcelona. In the 1950s and 1960s he he

Theodore Turrettini (1845-1916) Italy
The Turrettini family originally came from the town of Lucca in Tuscany. They found refuge in Geneva at the time of the Reformation in 1575. Th

Carl Vogt (1817-1895) Germany
This German Naturalist, born in Griessen in 1817, was obliged to leave his country several times, and always for political reasons. Accordingly, he

Reginald Warren (1910-1994) Франция
Выйдя в отставку этот английский военачальник поселился недалеко от Лозанны.

Sheikh Yamani (1930-) Саудовская Аравия
Жизнь бывшего министра нефтедобычи Саудовской Аравии проходит на трех континентах: в его особняке в Вале, Гарвардском университете, профессором которо


14 знаменитости

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