St Maurice : practicalities Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > Valais > Valais romand > St-Maurice > Practicalities
Heading straight ahead out of the train station along
Avenue de la Gare will bring you in a hundred metres to the friendly, English-speaking tourist office (July & Aug Mon–Fri 9am–7pm, Sat 9am–5pm; Sept–June Mon
3–6pm, Tues–Fri 9am–noon & 3–6pm, Sat 9am–noon; 024/485 40 40,
They run a walking tour of the town in English (April–Sept Wed–Sat 2pm; Fr.8),
including the church more or less opposite, and the ancient Grand-Rue running
through the centre of town, bedecked with wrought-iron inn signs and home to
the few hotels and eating options. Hotel Ecu du Valais, 39 Grand-Rue
(024/485 24 74, fax 485 33 05; a) has been partly renovated, but also retains
some older, more characterful rooms, while the small Dent-du-Midi, set
in gardens at 1 Avenue du Simplon (024/485 12 09; b) is comfortable and modern.
For eating, the Ecu du Valais is known for its Valaisian specialities,
while the best place for fondue is La Croix Fédérale, 45 Grand-Rue (closed
Sun). Manoir Rhodanien, 84 Grand-Rue, has an eclectic menu taking in
ostrich, barbecued kangaroo, crocodile steaks and more. There’s a campsite at Bois Noir just south of town (027/767 11 76; April–Oct). |