Vevey : accommodation Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > Lake Geneva > Vevey > Hotels
Vevey has a limited, but high-quality, range of accommodation options. The pristine Swiss Backpackers Riviera Lodge hostel, 5 Place du Marché (021/923 80 40, fax 923 80 41,,; a) has excellent
dorms in the centre of town for Fr.25, while you can camp on the
lakeside at either La Pichette (021/921 09 97, fax 925 53 35),
2km west of Vevey, or La Maladaire (021/944 31 37), 3km east of
La Tour-de-Peilz. Of the hotels, Des Négociants, 27 Rue du
Conseil (021/922 70 11, fax 921 34 24; b) and Hostellerie de
Genève, 11 Place du Marché (021/921 45 77, fax 921 30 15; c) are
both simple family-run places in the centre; while rustic De La
Place, 5 Place du Temple in the nearby village of Corsier (phone &
fax 021/921 12 87; b) is a building dating from 1692 overlooking
Corsier’s ancient church on the slopes above Vevey, with spartan but
thoroughly atmospheric rooms. At the top end of the scale, the heavenly Hôtel du Lac, 1 Rue d’Italie (021/921 10 41, fax 921 75 08; e)
offers small-scale, understated grandeur, with inevitable associations
with Anita Brookner; while Des Trois Couronnes, 49 Rue d’Italie
(021/921 30 05, fax 922 72 80; g) – the original setting for Henry
James’s Daisy Miller – retains all its period style, stuffy but
utterly charming. Both lap up the lakeside panoramas. |