Maps of Switzerland Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > Travel basics > Information and maps > Maps
Our maps of town centres and regions should be fine for most purposes; otherwise tourist offices always have town maps to give out, either free or for a franc or two. Kümmerly & Frey and Hallwag are both major cartographic publishers with worldwide distribution and a host of products covering Swiss cities and countryside on many different scales; the Freytag & Berndt 1:460,000 and Bartholomew 1:300,000 also cover the country. The Federal Office of Topography (Bundesamt für Landestopographie, Office fédérale de topographie, Ufficio federale di topografia) publishes a full range starting at 1:1 million, including detailed 1:100,000 regional maps and 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 hikers’ maps, as well as specialist maps on different scales for cyclists and inline-skaters, skiers, maps pinpointing historic sites, cultural attractions and more. Kümmerly & Frey’s walkers’s maps (Wanderkarte) are based on the LS sheets and usually have main walking routes and mountain huts highlighted. These are all widely available in Swiss bookshops, in some specialist map shops abroad, from www. or from the publishers at Seftigenstrasse 264, Postfach, CH-3084 Wabern. |