Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by category
Home > Celebrities in Switzerland > By categories > Category > Religious leader

Listings all celebrities for the category Religious leader.

Aga Khan Sadruddin (1933-) India
The Indian prince lives in the chic suburb of Geneva. Born in 1933 in Paris, Sadruddin Aga Khan is the son of Mohammed Shah Aga Khan III of th

Agha Khan IV (Karim) (1936-) Pakistan
The billionaire leader of the Ismaeli Muslim community lives in Geneva, like his predecessor Aga Khan III. A well-known and popular public figure th

Jean Calvin (1509-1564) France
Le juriste français a fait de Genève la Rome protestante. Né à Noyon en Picardie (France), Calvin fut certes destiné à devenir prêtre mais il préfér


3 celebrities

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