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I have a EU country passport. Do I still need a residence permit to live in Switzerland?
Главное меню > Жизнь в Швейцарии > Residence permits > FAQ > EU citizens > Do I need a permit?

Every person who want to live in Switzerland needs to apply for a residence permit if he or she is not Swiss.

Depending on your circumstances and what you want to do, this permit can be more or less difficult to obtain.

Citizens of EU countries benefit from many advantages when they want to move to Switzerland, but they need to apply for a residence permit nonetheless.

© Micheloud & Cie 2013      Tel. ++41 21 331 48 48  info@switzerland.isyours.com. ??????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????????????? ? ?????-???? ????? ??? ?????? ???????????????? ??????????? ??????????. Печать из http://Switzerland.isyours.com/r/residency/voprosy_otvety/eu/eu-still-need-permit.html