Questa pagina non č disponibile in italiano, per cui verrŕ fornita la versione inglese Potete anche cliccare in alto per vedere traduzioni di questa pagina in altre lingue Work placements in Switzerland Home > Swiss Residency > Residence permits > For all others > Programmi > Studying > Swiss work placements
You can do an 18-month maximum work placement with a Swiss company by
participating in a young worker exchange program based on international
agreements. All countries involved have set mutual quota limits. The
advantage of this system is that residence and work permits are issued
regardless of the job market situation and the exchange is open to all
professions. Over 50,000 foreign young professionals have found work
placements in Switzerland since 1946. Conditions for program participation
are as follows: - You must be between 18 and 30 years of age (35 years for the following
countries: South Africa, Germany, France, Great Britain, Monaco,
Czechoslovakia, USA)
- You must have completed at least two years of professional training
- You must work in a profession or trade related to your field of study
- Your salary should fall within the current norms for your profession
and region
Consult the list below to find out whether your country has an agreement
with Switzerland:
Countries | Authority/Partner organization | South Africa | Dept. of Home Affairs, Pretoria | | Germany | Zentralstelle für
Arbeitsvermittlung (ZAV), Bonn | | Australia | Australische
Botschaft in Berlin | | Austria | Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich,
Wien | | Belgium | Ministčre de l'emploi et du
travail, Bruxelles | | Bulgaria | Nationalamt für Beschäftigung, Sofia | | Canada | International Youth
Experience, Aylmer-Montreal | | Denmark | Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen,
Kopenhagen | | Spain | Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Madrid | | United States | AIPT, Columbia / CDS, New York | | Finland | CIMO, Helsinki | | France | Espace emploi international, Paris | | Great Britain | DfEE, Overseas Labour
Service, Sheffield | | Hungary | Országos Munkaügyi, Budapest | | Ireland | Dept. of Enterprises and
Employment, Dublin | | Luxembourg | Administration de l'Emploi, Luxembourg | | Monaco | Service de l'Emploi, Monaco | | Norway | Arbeidsdirektoratet, Oslo | | New Zealand | New Zealand Consulate, Geneva | | Netherlands | Arbeidsvoorziening,
Zoetermeer | | Poland | Krajowy Urzad Pracy, Warszawa | | Portugal | Instituto do Emprego y Formaçăo
Profissional, Lisboa | | Russia | Federal Migration Service of Russia, Moscow | | Slovakia | Národny úrad práce, Bratislava | | Sweden | Arbetsförmedlingen Utland, Stockholm | | Czechoslovakia | Ministerstvo Práce a Sociálnich Včci, Praha | |
For additional information, contact the institution located to the right
of your country or address your questions to the Swiss Federal Aliens
Office: Office fédéral des étrangers (OFE) Emigration et stagiaires Quellenweg 15 CH-3003 Berne