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The air is fresh, the economic climate attractive, and the coins not always made out of chocolate. Mr. Micheloud understood this very well. For 10,000 Swiss francs, or about 40,000 French francs, he will look after your immigration paperwork, residency permit, as well as finding your housing and cars.
We keep the identity of our prestigious and hardworking clients who do business behind these doors a closely guarded secret. But we can certainly take a quick look at a few celebrities who have been charmed by Switzerland. [Images of Tina Turner, Maurice Béjart, Yannick Noah, Patricia Kaas, Charles Aznavour] For example, Charles Aznavour lives in the suburbs of Geneva, in the small village of Cologny. Some of the houses there cost 20,000,000 French francs. A high price, but peace and quiet comes with it too. Because in Geneva, Phil Coliins, Adjani or Delon can do their shopping unnoticed, just like everyone else. SIDEWALK INTERVIEW: the journalist stops a few passersby on the streets of Geneva and asks them why they think that famous people decide to live in Geneva. Stars, rich heirs and heiresses, captains of industry—approximately 50 of these well-to-do individuals quietly move to Geneva every year. Money has no smell, and in Geneva, it doesn’t make noise either. TV5, the international Francophone channel, did this interview as part of a day of programming about Geneva, Switzerland. We were included in the report on celebrities who decided to live in Switzerland. |
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