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Swiss Relocation Guide
Home > Relocation Guide

You would like to settle in Switzerland or simply come for stays? This guide gives you the necessary informations. Detailed answers to our clients’ most frequently asked questions.

Rough Guide to Switzerland
The definitive touristic guide about Switzerland, free access to the full version on

In addition, this guide contains a lot of useful sections about practical and cultural life in Switzerland.

Rough Guide to Switzerland

Moving to Switzerland
An answer to all your practical question:

Cost of living
Representative prices, from the supermarket to gourmet food shops.

Religions in Switzerland
Respect, tolerance and discretion: all religions are represented in Switzerland.

The Swiss climate
The seasons are very distinctive, with summers that are hot without being scorching, and winters that are cold enough to go skiing, but without the extreme temperatures.

Swiss flag

Drapeau suisse


Business Jet

Travel time to Switzerland from over 160 destinations.
Security in Switzerland

Switzerland is a haven of personal security.


Links for Switzerland
Destination Switzerland
Guide Books, Hotels, Maps, Touristic information, Transport and communications...

Information, news and publishers
Directories, Media, Meteo & Road Services...

International Luxury
Champagne, wine and alcohol, Haute Couture & Fashion...

Swiss Life
Art, Events, Leisure, Restaurants...

Swiss made
Chocolate, Cigars, Jewelry, Typical, Watches, Wine...

Swiss Services

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