- Gérard Père & Fils
Cigar shop in Geneva with a great online store well worth a visit. Big array of cigars, including a vast choice of Cuban products in a nice and efficient website.
- Davidoff
Zino Davidoff, a shrewd businessman living in Geneva, used to describe himself as "a russian jew selling cuban cigars under a french name in switzerland". Davidoff reinvented the luxury cigar industry.
- El-Cigar
Importer of Dominican cigars based in Geneva.
- La Cava del Habano
- Raffi Cigars
- Cigars Bonvin
Cigar shop in Crans Montana (Valais), selling among other things Cuban cigars. You can order them on the web too - if you forget about the unfortunate website design.
- Gestocigars
- Habana.net