Locarno : listings
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Adventure sports Trekking Team, Breitistrasse 1, CH-8335 Hittnau (01/950 33 88, www.trekking.ch), organize plenty of adventure sports in the valleys around Locarno: their classic canyoning adventure in the Centovalli costs Fr.125, while others in the Verzasca, Onsernone and Malvaglia cost up to Fr.185. However, they’re best known as bungee specialists, with the jewel in their crown being the death-defying 220m leap off the Verzasca Dam by day or floodlit night (Fr.255, includes training), as performed by James Bond in the opening scene of Goldeneye. Jumping off the Intragna railway bridge (70m; Fr.125) pales by comparison, but you could do both for Fr.345. All these need to be reserved in advance, as do their various rock-climbing, parachuting and other activity packages.

Bike rental In the station (daily 6am–7pm) and at the HI hostel.

Car rental Avis, c/o Aral, Via Locarno, Ascona (091/791 44 55); Europcar, Garage Nessi, Via Cantonale, Cadenazzo (091/858 15 10); Hertz, Via Sempione 12 (091/743 50 50).

Changing money In the station (daily 6am–8.40pm).

Email and Internet Computer World in Cinecentro Rialto, Via San Gottardo 1 (50m from the station), charges Fr.3 to start with, then Fr.0.20/min thereafter.

Medical facilities Ospedale La Carità, Via all’Ospedale 1 (091/756 71 11) has a 24-hour emergency room.

Post Main office is on Piazza Grande (CH-6600 Locarno 1).

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