Above Solothurn Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > Mittelland > Solothurn > Above Solothurn
One of the best viewpoints in the Swiss
Jura is the Weissenstein, a ridge rising to 1284m with a breathtaking panorama
over the entire Mittelland and out to the Bernese Alps. Local trains from
Solothurn to Moutier stop at Oberdorf, from where you can either hike up or take
the chairlift to the summit (April–Oct Mon–Fri 8.30am–6pm, Sat & Sun 8am–6pm; July
& Aug Fri until 9.30pm; Nov–March Mon–Fri 9am–5pm, Sat 8am–5pm; Fr.19 return).
On top is the super-slick Weissenstein Hotel (032/622 02 64, fax 623
89 47; b–c), complete with gourmet restaurant, modern conference facilities and, alongside, a
lovely garden planted with Jura flowers and plants, best in June and July.
Plenty of walks branch out from the hotel, mostly along the crest of the
ridge – you could also do a chunk of the long-distance Jura
Höhenweg walk from here. |