Estavayer-le-lac : Practicalities Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > The arc jurassien > The Broye > Estavayer-le-Lac > Practicalities
The train station – on the slow Yverdon–Fribourg line – has bikes available for rent and is 600m southwest of Place du Midi, where the tourist office is situated (Mon–Fri 9am–noon & 2–6pm; July & Aug also Sat 10am–noon & 2–4pm; 026/663 12 37, Plenty of boats serve Estavayer from both Yverdon and Neuchâtel. CampsiteNouvelle Plage (026/663 16 93; April–Sept) is on the lakeshore east of the harbour, about 1km north of the Old Town. The most appealing hotel is My Lady’s Manor, Route de la Gare (026/663 23 16, fax 663 19 93; a), a romantic manor house set in its own fragrant gardens, with very large, characterful rooms (none en suite); prices drop if you stay more than three nights. Otherwise, you’re looking at the pleasant and quiet Fleur-de-Lys in town (026/663 42 63, fax 663 48 78; b) or the similar Hôtel de Ville next door (% & fax 026/663 24 59; b), the latter with a swishy Chinese restaurant upstairs and a plainer brasserie downstairs (closed Tues eve). |