Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by country Home > Celebrities in Switzerland > By country > Countries > Sweden
Listing all celebrities from Sweden who live or lived in Switzerland. Click on a name for details. Kamprad, Ingvar (1926-) | Businessman | | The charismatic founder
of IKEA,
the multinational furniture company that currently generates over 15 billion
in sales, has always had a k >>>
| Lyngstad, Anni-Fried (1945-) | Music star | | The singer of the legendary Swedish band ABBA settled in Switzerland after the group split up. She immediately appreciated what Switzerland had to off >>>
| Rausing, Gad (1922-) | Businessman | | Gad and his brother, Hans, are the richest men in Europe, thanks to their packing firm Tetra Laval. They have chosen Pully as the international seat o >>>
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