Diese Seite ist nicht auf Deutsch erhältlich. Daher wird die englische Version gezeigt. Sie können auch oben auf eine der Sprachen klicken, wenn Sie die Seite in einer anderen Sprache lesen möchten. Cost of living in Switzerland: VW Golf GTI 4x4 Home > Relocation Guide > Country information > Cost of living > Cars > VW Golf GTI The VW is the highest selling car in Switzerland. It's also an extremely hard-wearing car that is particularly well-adapted to the Swiss terrain. The value of a Golf on the used-car market is 10% higher than any other comparable vehicle (a 1980 Golf GTI can still sell for 3,000 Swiss francs). We have chosen a 4x4 model with a 2.3-liter V5 engine as a representative example of a car used in Switzerland. The official price is 36,760 CHF. If you pay cash, you can generally get a discount of around 5%. The average cost for yearly maintenance is 600 CHF for major servicing and
300 CHF for minor servicing. Insurance Here are the average prices of insurance premiums for this vehicle, based on a 500-CHF deductible:
We also suggest that you take out an insurance policy to cover your passengers in the case of an accident for approximately 120 CHF per year, as well free legal protection in the case of dispute for approximately 100 CHF per year.
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