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Перевод этой страницы на Ваш язык отсутствует, поэтому Вам предлагается английский вариант. Выше Вы можете выбрать перевод этой страницы на один из других языков What is a B permit? Главное меню > Жизнь в Швейцарии > Residence permits > FAQ > General questions > B permit A B permit (permis de sejour, Aufenthaltsbewilligung, permesso di soggiorno ) is an annual residence permit. It gives you the right to live in Switzerland for 180 days a year or more. It has to be renewed every year. It also gives the right to your spouse and children below 18 to come and live with you. EU citizens will get a CE permit, which is a vamped-up version of the B permit with more rights and less restrictions. EU citizen with existing B permits will receive a new CE permit as their B permit expire. |
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