Trotski, Leon (1879-1940) | Russia |
Rivoluzionario russo >>>
Turner, Tina (1939-) | USA |
The American singer has lived in Zurich
since 1986, on the Goldküste, the most fashionable district of the
Swiss economic capital. Born Anna M >>>
Canetti, Elias (1905-1994) | Bulgaria |
The jewish-spanish writer studied in Zurich for 5 years. In 1981 he received the Litterature Nobel Prize. >>>
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) | Germania |
Einstein studiò ad Aarau e Zurigo tra il 1902 e il 1912. Tornò in Germania nel 1914, e infine nel 1933, all'avvento del nazismo, emigrò negli Stati Un >>>
Esterházy-Ottrubay, Melinda (1921-) | Ungheria |
La principessa austro-ungarica, tra i maggiori proprietari terrieri d'Austria, vive a Zurigo dalla morte del marito. >>>
Joyce, James (1882-1941) | Irlanda |
Il grande scrittore si trasferì in Svizzera da Parigi per via della guerra e morì a Zurigo. >>>
Kaas, Patricia (1966-) | France |
The French singer who has sold over 10 million albums has lived in Zurich since December 2000. Born in Forbach in 1966, Patricia Kaas is the youngest >>>
Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) | Germany |
The German author and Nobel Prize winner lived in Switzerland for 8 years. Thomas Mann, born in 1875, came from old Lübeck patrician stock. After >>>
Tzara, Tristan (1896-1963) | Romania |
The Dada writer spent years in Zurich, helping to create this artistic movement. Later he joined the french Résistance with his surrealist friends in >>>