Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by category Home > Celebrities in Switzerland > By categories > Category > Sport star
Listings all celebrities for the category Sport star. Mike Horn (1966-) | South Africa | | South African explorer and athlete Mike
Horn accomplished a unique feat: a solo journey around the world along the
equator, using only his ow >>>
| Jean-Claude Killy (1943-) | France | | The French ski champion and member of the International Olympics Committee has lived in Geneva since 1969. Jean-Claude Killy was born in Saint-Cloud i >>>
| Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) | USA | | Charles Augustus Lindbergh le pilote le plus célèbre de
tout les temps est né le 4 février 1902 à Détroit au États-Unis. A 18 ans,
il entre à l’univ >>>
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