Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by category Home > Celebrities in Switzerland > By categories > Category > Revolutionary
Listings all celebrities for the category Revolutionary. Ben Bella (1916-) | Algery | | The Algerian politician lived in exile in sunny Lausanne, just 30 minutes away from France, until he was able to return to his own country. >>>
| Trotsky (1879-1940) | Russia | | The Russian revolutionary spend some time in exile in Switzerland, plotting a revolution that would kill him together with half the world. >>>
| Lénine (1870-1924) | Russie | | Le révolutionnaire russe resta en Suisse entre 1900 et 1905. Vladimir Illitch Lénine est né en 1870 à Ulyanosk, en Russie. Il étudie aux université de >>>
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