Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by category Home > Celebrities in Switzerland > By categories > Category > Religious leader
Listings all celebrities for the category Religious leader. Aga Khan Sadruddin (1933-) | India | | The Indian prince lives in the chic suburb of Geneva.
Born in 1933 in Paris, Sadruddin
Aga Khan is the son of Mohammed Shah Aga Khan III of th >>>
| Agha Khan IV (Karim) (1936-) | Pakistan | | The billionaire leader of the Ismaeli Muslim community lives in Geneva, like his predecessor Aga Khan III. A well-known and popular public figure th >>>
| Jean Calvin (1509-1564) | France | | Le juriste français a fait de Genève la Rome protestante. Né à Noyon en Picardie (France), Calvin fut certes destiné à devenir prêtre mais il préfér >>>
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