Incorporated companies in Switzerland

Offshore companies managed from Switzerland

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No matter what offshore corporate structure you need, we can provide it. We work with a strong network of partners, each with extensive experience in creating tax-minimising structures in many countries.

You are from an EU country and want to invest in Eastern Europe or Asia ? We can provide you with a tailor made solution that will help you reduce your taxes while remaining discrete and, of course, legal.

Why have your   offshore company created and managed from Switzerland?

  • Privacy
    Swiss lawyers and accountants are bound by law not to give out any information about their clients, and they can manage all your business from Switzerland, with no paper in your home country.
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  • Experience
    Our partners have thousands of clients every year and are seasoned to modern, global business needs. They can understand your situation quickly, show you how you can minimize the taxes you pay and give you turn-key, tailor-made solutions.
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  • Services
    If you need banking services (LOC, current accounts, credits) or just private bank accounts, we can arrange this in a matter of days. Or you may want fictive domiciliation with a secretary who answers the phone with your name, not a problem either.


If you have further questions, we recommend you   contact us. with a short description of your problem (citizenship and countries involved, rough amounts, no name needed) so that we can give you a first reply before we see you. We don't incorporate over the phone in Switzerland.


© Micheloud & Cie 1999

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Switzerland is yours  | CompaniesFAQsContact Us