Diese Seite ist nicht auf Deutsch erhältlich. Daher wird die englische Version gezeigt. Sie können auch oben auf eine der Sprachen klicken, wenn Sie die Seite in einer anderen Sprache lesen möchten. How to purchase a firearm in Switzerland Home > Relocation Guide > Relocation questions > Firearms > PurchasingYou have the right to purchase a weapon if there are no grounds for exclusion whatsoever. The license to purchase firearms will be denied to anyone: - Under 18 years of age
- Under judicial disability
- With an apparent risk to the buyer or to third persons
- With an entry in the Register of Convictions for Violent Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Furthermore, licenses to purchase and to bear weapons, relevant parts of weapons, weapons accessories and ammunition are forbidden for nationals from the following States: - Algeria,
- Albania,
- Bosnia-Herzegovina,
- Croatia,
- Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
- Macedonia,
- Sri-Lanka,
- Turkey
Procedure for obtaining authorization to purchase firearms - If you purchase a firearm from an authorized dealer
Buyers who purchase weapons from an authorized dealer are required to fill out a form from the Federal Department of Justice and Police. Buyers must also produce an official piece of identification and police clearance from their home country. Foreign nationals must also present an official certificate issued in their home country or country of residence to prove that they are entitled to purchase a weapon or a relevant part of a weapon. Authorization must be obtained from the canton of residence and will be granted only if there are no grounds for exclusion.
- If you purchase a firearm from a private individual
Permits are not required for purchases from private individuals. The sales transaction must be recorded in a written contract stating the personal details of the buyer and the seller, as well as the features of the weapon sold. The alienator must nevertheless verify that there are no grounds for exclusion (see above). The aforementioned purchasing license is still required for foreign nationals without a residence permit.